One of the things I always tried to teach my students was to understand goals and goal setting. I told them that no matter how small, life should have goals. No matter what you do, you should always strive for something. But how do you keep track of all the things you want to do? And how can you get motivated to do reach your goals? 43 Things is here to help.
43 Things is a community of people that help you reach your goals. When you complete the registration you jump right in and list your goals. You can have a list a mile long or focus on one or two things at a time. The site then connects you with the community that shares a similar goal(s). You can track you progress by recording your thoughts in your journal and you can cheer on others as they reach their goals.
So how can we use 43 Things to help students? Simply, we can start a conversation about goals. A teacher could easily start with a class related goal. Everyone completes their homework each night for a month or each student makes an A on the next test. This can work well with younger students. With older students, say high school, the site could be used for setting goals for getting into college or for graduation. The possibilities are truly endless. The bonus is that students can connect with each other and help motivate each other to reach their goals.
The site is also good for grown-ups. We all have something we strive for or a goal we want to reach. I encourage everyone to set up an account and start reaching your goals!
43 Things
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