Toodledo- A task and goal manager that allows you to group up and share and view friends tasks.
Google Calendar- Share events, edit schedueles, keep everyone on task.
CampFire-A web-based Chat Program that allows you to set up password protected chat rooms, upload images and documents and go back and read transcripts of past chats. (Integrates with Basecamp, another Project Collaboration Tool.)
GroupTweet-Using your Twitter Account, create a Twitter Group to share ideas.
Grou.ps-Set up your own social network to create wikis, blogs, share files, chat, post links and more....and it is free!
Google Docs-Create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, online and share them with other group members.
Evernote-Clip pages from the web, record notes and share them with the group.
Diigo-Social Bookmarking. Create a group and share all your bookmarks for the project.
So head over there and see what you can use to help kids collaborate and get things done!
Top 50 Web 2.0 Tools For Group Projects
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