So, I need your help. I want to collect all the tools, tips, tricks, advice and resources that you might have when it comes to the first days of school. Maybe there is a website that you use or a tool you use to have your students create something. Or maybe you have some veteran advice you want to pass along to a new teacher. Whatever it is head over to my form where I am collecting all of the information and share. If you think of something else come back and add it to the form.
I will collect the input over the next couple of days and then you can come back here and I will post where you can find what everyone has shared.
First Days Must Haves...
Image Credit: Flickr Creative Commons
Hi Steven, i film the first day of school and send it home on dvd for parents to cherish for ever. They love it.
Craig Snudden
Engadine Public School Sydney Australia
Hi Steven, great blog and content. I've started a company focused on bring together parents and schools (K-12) using web 2.0 technologies. Our site is called and we launched a beta in May. Check out, we welcome your input.
John Hopkins