Earth Day has information you can use on Earth Day and every day! You can find a listing of EPA events, plus a history of Earth Day and the Environmental movement in the United States.
Kids Domain Earth Day advocates celebrating Earth Day every day! This Kids Only site features activities, coloring pages, downloads and clip art.
PlanetPals - the ultimate website to find entertaining Earth Day information. Keep up-to-date with complete listings of Earth Day activities, teaching aids and earth science. Learning for all ages is available here but it is especially fun for kids!
Earthday.net - Numerous resources and tips on how to make a better Earth Day for yourself and network with others.
Young Environmentalists In Action - learn about a problem, and write your letter voicing your opinion. Letter writing tips and more.
Thirty Activities to Celebrate Earthday - ideas for classroom or home.
Composting In Schools all kinds of info from Cornell University.
There are tons more resources out there. Also if you are on Twitter add #HappyEarthDay or #EarthDay to your tweet so others can see what you are doing. You can even use the Twitter Search to see what others are talking about. So go out, plant a tree, start recycling, or take your reusable bags to get groceries this afternoon. Happy Earth Day!
Image Courtesy Flickr Creative Commons
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