This presentation is part of the TED Series of lectures. (Technology Entertainment Design). Each year in Long Beach the TED group brings together the worlds most "fascinating thinkers and doer's." Each presenter chooses their topic and has 18 minutes to present. From their Mission:
"We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. So we're building here a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other."
Over the years they have had 100's of interesting speakers talking about all sorts of topics. From Al Gore talking about climate change to Billy Graham talking about Technology and Religion to the famous Johnny Lee video making an Interactive Whiteboard out of a Wii remote, there are some very interesting, passionate and provocative presentations.
You can search their site by topic and/or presenter for find a video. Or you could use the TED Talks Google Doc to find information also. However you do it, you need to spend some time with the best Thinkers and Doers in the world. Head on over to TED and see how some are changing the world in 18 minutes.
TED Talks-Ideas Worth Spreading
Thanks for the intro to TED...I know nothing about Dodo birds but yet I was intrigued by Adam's presentation...I'm wondering if my students will feel the same...we'll find out today!!