If you are like me you have lots of flash drives and external hard drives storing multiple copies of your documents, pictures, lesson plans, etc. Sometimes it can be a pain. I often leave my drives on my desk in my office and then either have to drive 40 minutes back to get them or suffer until the next time I am around. There has to be a better way?
Now there is. There are lot of online backup storage solutions out there. Some are really easy to use but cost a fortune. Others only allow you to back up all at once and retireve all at once. There is a much better option out there in ZumoDrive.
I have been testing/using ZumoDrive for about 2 months now and it is awesome! I never have to worry about forgetting my drives on my desk, loosing my work or worrying about my drives crashing. I can access my files from anywhere I have an internet connection, including my iPod.
When you signup and install ZumoDrive a new drive appears in your drive list. All you have to do now is drag files there and ZumoDrive does the rest. You can then access those files through that drive or from your online account. You can even share documents via a link that you can send out to colleagues and friends. But what if you want to make changes to a docuement? Simply open it from your ZumoDrive, make your changes and save. ZumoDrive will re-sync with tbe new settings.
Storage starts at 1GB for free and goes up from there. But 25GB is only 7 bucks a month. That is the perfect size for most users.
Check it out!
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